Do you have a custom hash tag for your wedding?Are you addicted to instagram or twitter? If so, then definetly keep reading because this could make your life so much easier when you want to find all those photos your friends took!
The first thing I knew we had to have was a wedding hash tag, so that when all our friends and family take photos and post to instagram or twitter we will be able to easily see them all. Our custom wedding hash tag is #foreveryoung14 . How did we come up with this? Well, Brent’s last name is young, and I would always sing forever young to him to remind him that I really wanted to marry him ( haha), and we are planning to get married in 2014.
Having trouble coming up with a hash tag? Here are some ideas…
1. use both last names (ie. McDowellYoungwedding)
2. use the grooms last name and the year you are getting married (ie. young2014)
3. use your wedding date (be creative though, because someone else might have your date and use the hash tag)
4. Brides First name & grooms first name are getting married (ie. steph&brentaregettingmarried)
How to announce your hash tag…
Now that you have your hash tag, everyone needs to know about it! If you are early enough in wedding planning, you can include it on save the dates, invites and your custom wedding page. If you are past that stage of planning no worries, because you will also need to display it at your wedding to remind people! You could have a framed print at each table reminding them to use it, or you could have it somewhere on the wedding programs! There are endless possibilities so get creative!
Fun things you can do after you have found all your photos
1. Make a custom book at , amazing recycled books and they make it easy for you to upload and design the book!
2. Another fun site is Printstagram, , they can take care of all your instagram printing needs!